Proyecto Matzo Ball Soup
The Significant Other (TSO) has a really bad cold. So the other day I made TSO matzo ball soup. Its just what we do when somebody is sick.
I had to go to a local grocery store to get the ingredients. I decided to walk to Ralph's, even though that is not where I do my regular grocery shopping. Its a 45 minute walk (it could be a looong walk if you are carrying heavy groceries), and the few times I have been there, I ALWAYS (100% of the time) had problems with exiting the parking garage and validation system. I regularly shop at Trader Joe's in Silverlake, or farmer's markets. But I'll leave that for another post.
I headed towards Ralph's with no specfic route in mind. I was just making it up as I went along.
Around Grand and 8th St some guy struck up a conversation with me about the architecture in downtown, adaptive reuse, sexual harassment in downtown, and digital photography. We parted ways when we got to Ralph's. Here he is walking and talking:
As soon as I got to Ralph's I needed to rest a little and get a caffeine fix. So I sat down outside, and did a combination of people watching, and prepared my lecture on the catalytic hydrogenation of olefins with a Pd catalyst.
Then I went back inside to do some shopping. Hey, did you know that Ralph's carries the best apples I have ever eaten in my whole entire life? I always stock up on them whenever I go.
Its the pink lady apples in the organic section. Hey, its neighbor Joe getting some!
I saw this guy with an interesting shirt, and asked him if I could take a picture of it:
Then some guy standing nearby said I should take a picture of his shirt too. Then I said "OK!", because I love photographing Angelenos. He was joking and didn't realize I would take him up on it. But I smiled pretty and took one anyway. He was self conscious about the smudge on the upper right of his shirt. I wonder what that dude in the tie in the background is thinking?
I got all the ingredients I needed for the mazto ball soup (carrots, celery, matzo ball mix, chicken stock, eggs, garlic, parsley, baby dill) and then headed home. On my way back I walked passed a film crew packing up their stuff and saw a pretty bouquette and took a picture of it.
This one masculine film crew guy noticed me taking a picture of it. He playfully picked up the bouquette, and posed a kissy face for the camera. I live for this kind of stuff.
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